You may have silver fillings in your mouth from when you got cavities as a child. For decades, dentists used silver amalgam fillings to fill cavities. However, modern advances in dentistry now offer a better option for filling cavities: tooth-colored restorations using composite resin material. Fortunately, modern advances in dentistry have given dentists a better choice for filling cavities: tooth-colored restorations using composite resin material.
Tooth-colored fillings are made with a mixture of fine glass particles and can fill cavities. They can also be used to repair chipped, fractured, or decayed teeth. Composite dental fillings are durable and safe. Best of all, they’re custom-made to match the color of your natural teeth beautifully.
In most cases, your dentist must determine if you have cavities since they can often be hidden from plain sight. Your dentist will use special equipment and X-rays to detect hidden cavities, allowing them to act quickly to prevent cavities from getting worse. There are also a few signs you may notice if you have a cavity.
Tooth-colored white fillings are affordable and appeal to patients. It’s also great that you can have your cavity filled in just one dental appointment. The most important advantage of this filling type is its durability. Composite fillings last a long time and are also very durable. Because they support the natural structure of your tooth, they help prevent your tooth from becoming more damaged.
Good oral care, such as brushing twice a day and flossing before bed, is crucial for ensuring the longevity of your composite fillings. With care, composite resin fillings can last between seven and ten years.
Some patients feel mild sensitivity for a few days after they get a filling. Fortunately, this passes fairly quickly. If you experience soreness or inflammation, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers.
For the first few days after getting a filling, Drs. Jamie Richard and Christina VerSchave recommend eating soft foods such as mashed potatoes, puddings, and soups. When you have composite fillings, we suggest you avoid chewing on hard foods such as hard candy. Also, don’t use your teeth as a tool or chew on hard objects because this can damage your fillings.
When you need to replace old fillings or a new one, our Dentistry at Golden Ridge in Golden team in Colorado is here to help. Call us today at (303) 951-8515.